Si’Bon netwerk

Si’Bon netwerk

Si’Bon netwerk

Over ons

Trade association SI’BON is solely dedicated to the Dutch and Belgian signage sector. Affiliated companies can be found quicker and easier due to the use of SI’BON’s seal of quality (‘Erkend Signbedrijf’) and can turn to SI’BON for legal assistance and promotional opportunities. The association also organizes seminars, meetings and publishes a periodical newsletter.
The employer’s organization VSBN (Verenigde Signbedrijven Nederland) represents the employers of the signage sector. Together with trade union LBV, it is the VSBN’s goal to look after the interests of the affiliated signage companies. The collective labour agreement – that the VSBN has initiated and developed itself – continues to be updated and improved upon. VSBN is also the originator of the secondary level education for signage makers.




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